Albert Einstein
1 Corinthians 2:13
Well, the following day, while splitting fire wood, a chickadee landed on a branch near-by. I knew damn well what he was telling me. Where’s the bird food?
A few days later, some of Sue’s family visited. They were entertained by all the activity going on outside my living room window. Which proved to me that it’s how we perceive positives and negatives.
My next story is a better one to describe a third eye event.
The woman sat down on a chair. The counter faced the parking lot. Her back was to me. The man went and ordered and then returned with two coffees and two sandwiches which he placed onto the counter.
I could see that he was involving his wife in the decision.
I didn’t hear her reply.
He then walked to the counter to order. I sat and watched the woman pick up a coffee and then set it down. Fiddle with the sandwiches. Pick one up and investigate it. Set it down. Pick up a coffee cup and set it down. It was as if I was watching Sue.
Suddenly, she stood up, bent down and picked a dime up off the floor.
Wow! Another dime event.
I have found so many dimes since Sue died. I keep them in a half-rose shaped glass container. They are dimes that appear at times when I need the dime communication.
It’s all in the perception, folks.
As they walked toward the door, the husband in the lead, the woman said to the man, “I found a dime.”
And, I received another shiny silver sliver of closure.