I usually don’t have to wait too long. Sometimes I get more than I wanted.
I approach St. Anne’s Look-off and there he is. About fifteen feet from my truck. A buck. An eight pointer. I slam on my brakes and sadly, hit him.
I feel sorry for the buck, my truck and me. Only a year and a half ago, I was in a similar situation feeling sorry for a doe, my truck and me.
“No,” I say.
“Is the truck drivable?”
I say that I think it is.
“Is the truck leaking radiator fluid?”
She phones the police for me while I attempt to get home before 11pm. I told Sue I would be no later than 11pm.
When I get home I talk to a constable. He tells me that he will phone to give me my accident report number on Sunday. I will give it to my insurance agent on Monday.
While I frig around with the modes, Sue and Dominic jump into the truck. Sue’s carrying her purse and Dominic’s tail is furiously rotating. It looks like they think we’re going for a drive.
Sue asks, before we leave, if she should return to the trailer and change her foot-wear.
The truck runs like a top. I’d roped up the front grill so the truck didn’t look crooked.
I decide to check out my two deer-kill sites.
We whip down the highway towards kilometre marker 99. That’s where I hit the doe.
We turn around and head back home. Unfortunately, a little too late.
The gauge enters the far edge of the red-zone and my truck beeps out a warning. “Engine over-heating! Engine over-heating! Dive! Dive!”
Oh dear. Sue is wearing Speedo Beach Shoes.
Dominic and I leave her in the truck and head up the trail.
I figure we will never get home, so I stop and phone a friend.
He comes and puts fluid in the radiator and it gets us to his house. It was very kind of him.
We now have a vehicle with all-weather tires and we live in a snow-belt.
The concrete Middle River Bridge didn’t. It's close to our trailer.
Actually, I was going to write something about how proficient the beavers have been at building a massive dam across the river. However, as you may have guessed, the river ate the beaver dam and the human-bridge.