As I approached her I made sure my bike was set at an easy gear so she wouldn’t hear me huffing and puffing and looking and acting like an old white-haired guy.
I said, “Good morning.”
The woman said, “Good morning.”
Then I passed her and now she was behind me. Once more in her straight line, heads down gait.
Thank-you for turning off your phones. If you want to talk to God, enter, choose a quiet place to talk to Him. If you want to see Him send Him a text while driving.”
I saw a man and a little girl walking on the trail ahead of me. Of course, I was going faster than them, and soon caught up to the two walkers. I didn’t have a bell on my bike, so they didn’t hear me right away.
So, I coughed, hummed and hawed and finally the little girl turned around. The man didn’t, because his mind was rattling around in one of those magic instant pudding easy mix info bars.
“Daddy, daddy. There’s a man on a bike behind us.”
The man lifted his head. Turned his head. Saw me and said the appropriate greeting, “Hello,” and then dropped his head back into the comfort of the thing as he and the little girl moved to the side and let me pass.
I heard one voice. One young, squeaky, little voice. “You’re welcome.”
The man said nigh a syllable. He was gone.
The world is lucky there aren’t more open manholes.
Excuse me, I keep hearing my climate change denier frog croaking in discomfort. Fergie is finding his pond getting uncomfortably warm. However, he’s not moving because he believes it’s not really happening and he just wants to play his guitar in peace.
Yet, many of these same people go on long trips. They are, for example, fearless about going on a cruise. Willing to sit on the deck in a cozy lawn chair with a good book or those info boxes I was talking about earlier.
Croak, croak.
“Error is a hardy plant: It flourisheth in every soil.”
Martin Farquhar Tipper