A fella told me there is this Danish saying that says, if you bring a dog into your life, you bring sorrow into your life. This is not a direct quote.
I say, our pets don’t live long enough. An increased life span should be mandatory.
I think Buster might have been an humanitarian and it will be difficult to replace Buster.
For example, I’ve been trying to get hold of people to talk to about getting a dog.
“You have reached, blah, blah, blah. If you want to reach blah, press one, press two if you want to reach blah, blah, press three if you want to reach, blah, blah blah.”
So I think that logic, practicality and the ones and zeros in everyone’s magical rectangles and squares can only lead a person so far. There are so many things in this universe that are out there and if you look and listen they often tell you a different story from the practical ones.
“We are too rational……All that is best is unconscious or superconscious.”
Thomas Merton
A fella told me that crows will jump up and down on the ground so that the dew worms think it’s raining out. The poor worms will slither out of their holes to do what worms do when they slither out of their holes. Zap!
So what was happening here?
It was almost like the title of the book “I Heard an Owl Call My Name.”
We heard an owl hooting. We looked around for it and finally saw it. We got closer and it didn’t fly away. At least not until we had a good look at it.
It then flew to another branch of a tree nearer us where it hooted from time to time. It then kept just ahead of us as we approached our destination. Finally the owl swung off and flew towards the highlands.
A Canadian book titled "I Heard An Owl Call My Name' made us think that maybe, because this was so unusual and that it happened at this particular time when we were both grieving, might mean that We Heard Buster Call Our Name.
Who knows eh?
We know that we really miss Buster.